Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bugera V5 Amplifier

Impulse buys are not always the best things.  First, I don't have much time to think about whether I really need it.  Second, it's a purely emotional response to some other thing that's going on -- stress, typically but nonetheless, it's a momentary feeling of elation once the purchase is made.  And last, I probably has something already very similar in form and function, rendering the impulse buy a total redundancy.  This Bugera V5 (as in Vintage 5) is an impulse buy from Guitar Center in Covina.
On the first question of whether I really need it.  Hell, no.  But did I want it?  Hell, yes.  On the second attribute of an impulse buy of non-lasting satisfaction, I think the 5-Watt tube amp is going to make me feel fine for a long time (ok, until the next boutique amp hits the market, which I'm hoping is at least a year).
My Fender Blues Jr 15-Watt amp is really a little too loud for a bedroom application -- which is what this Bugera is destined for.  This is where the Power Attenuator switch at the back becomes a relevant selling point, i.e., I can drive the tube without driving my next door neighbors crazy.  The 8-inch speaker, rated for 30 Watt is adequate at all power levels especially the high-end of the volume/gain dials.  The clean sound I can get from the V5 is perfect for practice and learning songs.  My only complaint is the LED indicator light next to the power switch.  Damn, I'm talking 1-cm diameter bright enough to light up a night club -- should I take this to a gig.  Oh, and on the third issue of redundancy, this is the whole premise behind GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) is not just double but multiple-times-over redundancy anyway.

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